Tuesday, November 29, 2011

artist profiles

Ashante profiled two artist that work with textiles, including knitting and crocheting to let our readers know  about current innovative people working with some of the techniques we're doing.

I'm reading about Xenobia Bailey http://xenba.blogspot.com/ and Josette Villeneuve (J Villeneuve's translated website) about what they are making. I read on Xenobia Bailey's blog that she is creative person who also uses knitting as a ways of  expressing herself.  Here is one of her pieces:

She also does a lot of other things like plantings, making shoes, and outside projects. She has many different kinds of themes like Bold Money, Super Rich, and All Natural.

Now I’m talking about Josette Villeneuve she is a creative lady also. She takes tags off clothes and makes maps out of them. She makes clothes too. Her maps are very big and they hang up on walls. 

These two ladies make a lot of things and they are very talented. Josette started doing label tagging because poor materials "appeared to her extremely rich and sumptuous." "Each fragment is collected and gathered itself--the mark of a place of work, know-how." Josette Villeneuve made a lot of things with these labels, maps and clothes. 

These two artists did two different things but they are the same in a way because they both made clothes.

1 comment:

  1. I liked Ashante's profiles. I also liked the part on her website where Josette Villeneuve said "this unique map evokes geopolitical displacements which question the relationship of identity and socio-economic exchanges." It reminded me of the relationship we all have to our "stuff," where it comes from, who makes it, what goes into it, etc.

